Fullstack app blueprint

I just started blogging for my sanity. As I was taken a hold back from the constant fear of something ephemeral. The blog I started is to document the experience while learning and exploring the resources and convey my original ideas through words.

For this blog, I’ll put words for who am I and what my purpose is. This really make a shit loads of difference when you make decisions on giving time for someone else work.

So, this is Gaurav from Nepal. A country known for mountains but, have inherently a lot more than what it can offer. I have some kind of affection to writing. I started writing journals to be better each day and I have been doing that on and off for almost more than two years. I still make good amount of mistakes while writing and, I kind of feel proud of how original it gets as I can separate it from anyone else.

The spaces which give me good amount of dopamine are behavioral psychology, human computer interaction, project management, software development, physical and mental health, and so on. I recently got myself together to do this. I like to listen people idea’s on life and be open about the views. I like how the perspective works and it makes us what we are.

Enough redirecting my bland head, let’s talk about what this blog is about.

This is a complete repository of my ideas and my ways of doing things. I can’t stress more on how I’ll do things and how it turns out to be. So, excuse me if I make some mistakes. I’ll try to be better every time and work on my flaws and try to be consistent.

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